06 December 2024
A whirlwind end to my final PhD year! A week before my thesis defense in September, the good news came through that our project on bird dispersal ability and species-area relationships was accepted at Ecology Letters (Avian Dispersal Ability Shapes Species-Area Relationships on Islands Worldwide). This was a real “recreational...
15 February 2024
A while ago, with Gustavo’s lab we finally published superstar undergrad Carolina Revelo’s bachelor’s thesis in Proc B (Ecological drivers and consequences of torpor in Andean hummingbirds). This was a beast of a thesis that Carolina did multiple field seasons for, and when we started working together on this in...
30 July 2023
I am thrilled to see our new paper on Bergmann’s and Allen’s rules out in Nature Communications! This was my second PhD chapter, and again a wonderful collaboration with Joan Garcia-Porta and Carlos Botero. I especially enjoyed seeing how the wonderful press teams at WashU and UT Austin (thanks Talia...
14 June 2022
I recently published the first paper from my PhD research at Washington University, together with Joan Garcia-Porta and Carlos Botero. It was great to finally see the paper in Ecology Letters (“Phenotypic response to climate change are dampened in big-brained birds”), but I also enjoyed talking to a handful of...
02 April 2020
While most Broad-winged Hawks are but a few weeks away from Missouri, the first sightings this year have been trickling in this week as spring migration is off to an early start. Meanwhile in Colombia, my friend Diego Solarte and his team just concluded counting 373,621 raptors, mostly Broad-winged and...
01 February 2020
After a semester in grad school, I am feeling well-settled into the lifestyle of an armchair biologist. But obviously, I find myself sitting a lot. Sitting still for long periods of time is neither healthy nor fun, but it is part of the package of academia. Most of us know...
03 September 2019
My first week of grad school is over! And in the week during orientation I began making a website. I’m slowly getting comfortable with the end result and wanted to reflect on the process, remember some useful links and share some resources. This was my first time using HTML, CSS,...