Hi! I am a postdoctoral researcher at University of California Santa Cruz with Dr. Ari Martinez. I am broadly interested in avian ecology and evolution, statistical modelling and data-driven natural history.
In Fall 2024 I finished my PhD in the Evolution, Ecology and Population Biology Program at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri with Dr. Carlos Botero with co-advising by Dr. Jonathan Myers.
For my Master's in Biostatistics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst I worked on songbird migratory flights using Motus data together with Dr. Jenny Smetzer and Dr. Nick Reich. Prior to joining Washington University, I spent time at the Universidad Icesi working with Dr. Gustavo Londoño's lab on bird nesting ecology with a Fulbright Research grant.
I was captured by biology and natural history during my undergraduate studies at Hampshire College while doing bird-related field jobs and studying bat-plant interactions with Dr. Susan Whitehead , Dr. Dina Dechmann and Dr. Romeo Saldaña-Vázquez.